Athlete Expectations

This document explains, in detail, the Homestead Boys Lacrosse Club expectations for athletes. As you have committed to become a member of the Club, please take the time to read the following information carefully. To ensure the commitment to Club policies, we are asking you, the Athlete and your Parent/Guardian, to read, and agree the following document.

Club Mission

Homestead Boys Lacrosse Club is committed to the values of athletic and scholastic achievement and our goal of developing young men of character through sport and competition. We work to provide our student athletes with the best possible environment to progress individually and collectively towards their goals. Ultimately, our primary obligation is to our student athletes who have come together focused on improving their minds, bodies, and their futures.

Club Expectations

The Homestead Boys Lacrosse Club is a competitive lacrosse club geared towards the committed athlete who loves the game and continually seeks to improve. We recognize and appreciate the time and resources that families commit to their athletes who play lacrosse. We believe that families should expect an environment that encourages athlete growth and development as well as a level of success on the field. In addition, families should expect that athletes will not only display positive development in a family-oriented atmosphere but also prepare to compete successfully at the collegiate level.

Athletes are expected to make their commitment to the Homestead Boys Lacrosse Club a priority activity. We encourage athletes to participate in a variety of activities and sports with the understanding that the Club is their priority activity. Athletes will ultimately make their own personal choices regarding sports. Club expectations for our athletes includes:

  • Regular attendance at practices

  • Regular attendance at games Commitment to the Club and all lacrosse related activities should be treated as a priority.

In addition, athletes are expected to take school and academics seriously. To meet the demands of school and outside activities athletes are expected to budget their time appropriately. Athletes must prioritize time and activities effectively regarding Club commitment. Commitment to the Club is expected March through May; athletes who do not participate in a winter sport are expected to commit to the Club beginning in January with pre-season conditioning. We expect families to honor their commitment to the Club. Please consider this carefully when joining the Homestead Boys Lacrosse Club!


  • Attendance at all practices is mandatory and should only be missed on account of illness or family emergency. Athletes shall inform the coach via Hudl in advance if a practice will be missed.

  • Attendance at all games is mandatory and should only be missed on account of illness or family emergency. Athletes shall inform the coach via Hudl in advance if a game will be missed.

  • Attendance at team activities is expected. A lack of participation impacts athlete development and the team, as a whole

  • Athletes are expected to be punctual. Arrival for training is 15 minutes before practice begins. Arrival for games is one hour before the game begins.

  • An athlete MUST attend practices to play in the games. Discipline for missed practices will be:

    • One missed practice during the week before a game = no play during first quarter

    • Multiple missed practices during the week before a game = no play during game

    • Missed game = no play in next game

    • Players are expected to attend practices and games even if not playing

  • Athletes are expected to work on lacrosse skills year-round either on a formal or informal basis. Athletes need the stick in their hands as much as possible throughout the year in order to develop.

  • Athletes should bring ALL uniforms and gear to all games.


  • A student athlete will immediately become ineligible and may lose all playing privileges for the season for any of the following reasons:

    • Smoking, drinking, and/or the use of illegal drugs.

    • Acting in a manner that may bring dishonor or shame to the community or school.

    • Fighting or coming off the bench or sideline during any fight on the playing area.

    • Consistent discipline, academic and/or attendance issues.
      **Eligibility may be earned back at the discretion of the coach.

  • Athletes must treat coaches, teammates, referees, and opponents with respect. Poor or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

  • No foul language during games or practices. Each infraction will result in the athlete doing 10 pushups.

  • Positive communication with the coaching staff is essential for successful development. Athletes are expected to ask questions and should be dialoging with their coach regularly.

  • Athletes are expected to observe a reasonable curfew the night before a game. Athletes are responsible for their own performance and conduct.

Academic Eligibility

Homestead Boys Lacrosse Club follows the academic eligibility requirements established by Homestead High School. Athletes must be passing 5 credits to remain academically eligible to participate with the Club,.

  • Athletes will be expected to show their PowerSchool phone app to an appointed Board member at practices at the beginning of each month March – May.

  • Any athlete who has not passed FIVE (5) credits at each of these check ins will be declared ineligible until the next grade check.

When a Homestead Boys Lacrosse Club athlete and his parent/guardian agrees to this commitment contract, they understand and agree to all the information conveyed above.